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Personal and Group workshops focusing on: thought work, emotional connection with self and others, creating a prosperity and abundance mindset.


2 hour workshop

Business from the Heart

Dive deep to identify your Core Values and Guiding Principles. Spend a couple of hours focusing on your authentic Power Words and then you’ll create your Guiding Principles / Truth Statements / Mantras that you live by; in the last 30 minutes, we’ll put it all together and you’ll compose your custom “mission statement.” This should support your “BIG WHY” and give meaning and purpose to your daily routine as well as the big moments and meetings where it counts.


3 hour workshop

Strengthening the Foundation & Pillars of Your Business


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1.5 hour workshop

DISC Personality Profile & Your Business

Learn about personality profiles from the DISC study; understand how each personality style acts and reacts, what motivates and what energizes (and depletes) each type. This workshop will help you know who to hire, how to build your team, how to connect with distinct personalities and how to lead and persuade others; knowing DISC personality styles will lead you to understand clients & customers, family & friends, leaders & colleagues.This knowledge will up-level your business and home life.

Do you have questions about Coaching, Retreats, or Workshops? Don't hesitate to reach out! Fill out the contact form and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Let's Connect!
